MUET Speaking Part 1: Get your points right!
You had your two content points ready. You presented your points clearly with elaborations like
This website is for MUET Candidates who want to be prepared for the test
You had your two content points ready. You presented your points clearly with elaborations like
I encourage my students to use proverbs in English all the time. If used correctly
Part 1 of the MUET speaking test is an individual presentation. For this part, each
Part 1 of the MUET speaking paper requires you to present your ideas on a
Are you feeling nervous about not knowing how to prepare for your response in the
There are phrases a candidate could use in the MUET speaking test to instantly elevate
There are certain tips and tricks to get a band 5+ for MUET speaking. And
Part 2 of the MUET speaking test is the group discussion. To start your discussion
Hello everyone. I am a MUET teacher teaching the sixth formers in a school in the historic city of Melaka, Malaysia. I have been teaching for more than 25 years and I am also a book writer. I hope I can be of some help to you in achieving the band that you need.