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Proverbs to use in MUET Speaking

Proverbs to use in MUET

I encourage my students to use proverbs in English all the time. If used correctly proverbs are able to make the point you are trying to make become clearer.

What are proverbs? Proverbs are short and well known sayings. It normally states a truth that is generally accepted in a culture and a language. They are also normally short and to the point. 

Therefore when you can use proverbs in English correctly in your MUET speaking and writing paper it shows a great deal about you as a language learner. 

When idioms are used correctly it will firstly show that you are very familiar with the language. It shows your sophisticated language use in your writing and speaking. This is for sure a trait of a band 5+ candidate.  

Next, the use of proverbs will add some weight to the point you are trying to make. It suggests that your idea is widely accepted and valid. Proverbs will give your writing a level of authority as it will sound more persuasive.

Well, if these are what you will get when you use proverbs in your MUET writing and speaking, what are you waiting for? You should certainly learn this list of proverbs with explanation well. Then , try and add some to your MUET writing and speaking.

Proverb 1: Action speaks louder than words


This proverb means that someone’s action is far more important than what they say. Sometimes a person can say and promise many things. But unfortunately their actions do not show and are not in line with what they say. 

Example: He always tells us how much he loves his pets and how well he takes care of them. But they always look dirty and hungry. Action speaks louder than words!

Proverb 2: A stitch in time saves nine

This proverb implies that a problem that we face should be solved earlier on as it happens. We should not wait till later as this will cause the problem to become bigger and more difficult to solve.

Example: I notice that she has started to miss our class. I think I shall need to have a word with her soon about this because I do not want her grades to fall this semester as a stitch in time saves nine.

Proverb 3: The early bird catches the worm

This proverb suggests that the person who goes for an opportunity the earliest will gain the most advantage. The person will most likely get the best seat or the best deal as no would be there yet. 

Example: I managed to get the room with the best view. I booked it earlier this year before everyone else. And true enough, the early bird catches the worm.

Proverb 4: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

This proverb shows the value of an item is very subjective. One person may feel that the item they have is of no value but to another person it could be very valuable. This is related to the topic of repurposing, recycling, waste management and the environment in MUET.

Example: My sister gave me her old skirt. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure as she thinks it looks ugly but I find it to be so beautiful and I love it so much.

 Proverb 5: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch


This proverb advises us not to be too sure of success before it is really certain. This is because we can sometimes become overly confident and make plans based on our hope that something good is going to happen in the future. When in actual fact, nothing is for sure yet.

Example: He started packing his things on his table to move to the manager’s office as he felt sure that he would get the promotion. I told him not to count his chickens before they hatched.

Proverb 6: Where there's smoke, there’s fire


This proverb suggests that if there is news, or an accusation being made of something, there is most likely some truth in it. Perhaps, there might be some rumours going around. But the person involved will most likely deny the situation. However this news, rumour and accusation could sometimes be true.

Example: The founder of the beauty product denies using any harmful substance in his product. But where there is smoke there’s fire because more users are coming out complaining about it.

Proverb 7: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket


This proverb advises us not to rely too much on one single thing. We should not risk everything that we have in only one plan. This is because there is a big risk where we could lose everything if the plan that we have failed.

Example: We should not rely on getting sponsorship for the event from only one source. We definitely should not put all our eggs in one basket as there is going to be a huge problem if the sponsor decides not to give us help.

Proverb 8: Rome wasn’t built in a day


This proverb means that we need to put in a lot of work and effort that may take up a lot of time to achieve the success that we dream of. We should not therefore expect to gain great achievements if we are ready to only put in the least amount of effort.

Example: I believe that you should start training two hours earlier everyday if you want to be a successful tennis player. Rome wasn’t built in a day you know.

Proverb 9: Better late than never


It suggests that it is better to do something even if we are late in doing it. This is certainly better than not doing it at all. This is because if we fail to do it then the thing that needs to be done, will still remain undone.

Example: Our landfills are reaching their maximum capacity. We all need to take recycling our garbage seriously from now on. Better late than never! 

Proverb 10: Every cloud has a silver lining


This proverb implies that even when we are faced with many problems and difficulties, we should not feel like giving up. We should always remain positive. This is because there is always something good that comes with the problem that we are facing. 

Example: She lost her job two years ago. Every cloud has a silver lining as because of that, she started baking at home and now has her own bakery.

Proverb 11: Birds of a feather flock together


It suggests that people with the same interest and views will most likely be with people who have the same interest and views. It is common to see this in our society. Example is like we will most likely see a group of teens who dress the same and who perhaps like the same music will be found together.

Example: The group of friends all have the same interest in outdoor activities. They will always sit together and do things together. Even in class, they would have group discussions among themselves. Birds of a feather flock together.

Proverb 12: Two heads are better than one


This proverb emphasises the importance of it is easier to To do something with another person rather than do it alone. This is because when we have another person helping us to do the same thing, we are able to get another person’s advice and opinion. And so the results that we get will be much better than doing it alone.

Example: My sister helped me to decorate my new rented apartment. She has some very good ideas and now my apartment looks very homely. Two heads are better than one as I am sure I would not be able to achieve the same look alone.

Proverb 13: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you


It reminds us not to speak rudely or act badly towards the person who has helped us. We would seem very ungrateful of their help if we do this. Also it shows that we do not appreciate the person’s help.

Example: She disagrees with her parents’ suggestion on pursuing her studies to become a doctor. She decides to keep quiet and not protest because she does not want to bite the hands that feed her.

Proverb 14: All that glitter is not gold


This proverb reminds us not to take things at face value. Something might seem very good and attractive on the surface. However, when you look at it more closely, you will come to realise that it is not as good as it looks. 

Example: he seems to have a very nice job as he could afford his huge car and expensive lifestyle. All that glitters is not good as he is required to work till late at night and sometimes over the weekend to meet his deadline.

Proverb 15: A friend in need is a friend indeed


This proverb points out the fact that a person who will help us when we are in difficulty is a real friend. This friend will always be there when we are in need of any help. We can always rely on them.

Example: He allowed me to use his car for a week when my car was in the workshop. He is a true friend because a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Proverb 16: Charity begins at home

In this proverb we understand that a person should fulfil the needs of the people close to them like their family first. They should fulfil their responsibilities towards their families and loved ones first before helping others.

Example: He spends most of his time helping the poor living in the shelter. He should spend more time helping his elderly parents as charity begins at home.

Proverb 17:Knowledge is power 


This proverb conveys the fact that a person who has knowledge is able to make others obey and follow him. When a person with knowledge will have intelligence, which will give them more authority. Because of the knowledge, they may also possess fame, strength, money and power.

Example: His knowledge and understanding of the company allows him to make very good decisions. It gives him a sense of empowerment that makes others listen and obeys his instruction and this proves that knowledge is power.

Proverb 18: experience is the best teacher


It reminds us that We will learn valuable lessons in life when we experience the situation ourselves. The lesson will learn will become more meaningful and it will remind us later on in life what to do and what not to do.

Example: Youths today should be open to new experiences and try new things. From the mistakes that they make they will be able to develop themselves personally and professionally because experience is the best teacher.

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Roslina Abdul Latiff


Hello everyone. I am a MUET teacher teaching the sixth formers in a school in the historic city of Melaka, Malaysia. I have been teaching for more than 25 years and I am also a book writer. I hope I can be of some help to you in achieving the band that you need. 

Roslina Abdul Latiff

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