Here is a list of words and phrases related to the use of the Internet. These phrases are useful when you get questions related to this topic.
You will see that the topic related to ‘use of the Internet’ has repeatedly come up in the speaking and writing paper.
Words related to the use of the Internet:
Try and memorise some of these phrases. Then use them in your MUET speaking and writing.
Positive effects of the Internet
- tech-savvy
Meaning: people who are very good with technology especially with computers
Sentence: She normally refers to her younger brother whenever she faces a problem in using the software as he is more tech-savvy even from a very young age.
- abundant source of information
Meaning: has a huge amount of information that can be used
Sentence: The Internet holds an abundant source of information and could be found through a click of a mouse.
- exploring the Internet for advice and know-how
Meaning: Search for advice, information and how to do things on the Internet
Sentence: We can learn so many new things by exploring the Internet for advice and know-how.
- reference for school work
Meaning: A source of information when completing school work
Sentence: I normally log on to the Internet as it is a point of reference when completing my school work.
- e-banking that is very convenient
Meaning: easily perform our banking needs online
Sentence: My mother no longer needs to leave the house as she could do all her banking needs via e-banking that is very convenient for her.
- at a click of a mouse
Meaning: It shows how easily you can do things now using the computer.
Sentence: I could complete my weekly grocery shopping at a click of a mouse. It is great that the store has recently added a delivery service.
- shop online
Meaning: To buy things online
Sentence: You can review the different products on the shopping app and easily shop online for the best deal.
- avoid the hassle of queuing at checkout counters
Meaning: To not have to face the difficulty of having to stand in a long queue when paying at the counters.
Sentence: Shopping online has so many benefits and one of them is that we can avoid the hassle of queuing at checkout counters.
- social networking sites to foster friendship
Meaning: Strengthening friendships using social media
Sentence: It is second nature for youths nowadays to use social networking sites to foster friendships.
Negative effects of the internet:
- socialising on the internet is addictive
Meaning: Too enthusiastic to mix with others on the Internet
Sentence: Socialising on the Internet is addictive as you can see people spending hours on social media connecting with friends new and old.
- playing online games
Meaning: Playing games that are made available on the Internet
Sentence: It is evident to see students neglecting their studies as they spend hours playing online games.
- cyberbullying
Meaning: Sending messages online to bully someone.
Sentence: Body Shaming is an example of cyberbullying. It is when a person is sent a post online that targets certain parts of the person’s body to cause some degree of embarrassment.
- uploading compromising pictures and videos
Meaning: Online sharing of revealing photos and videos
Sentence: Without thinking some youngsters make the huge mistake of uploading compromising pictures and videos of themselves.
- internet porn
Meaning: Display of sexual pictures and videos online
Sentence: One danger is that Internet porn could be accessed by underage children without their parents knowing.
- parents are unable to control
Meaning: Even the parents are unable to curb certain actions
Sentence: Some teenagers are too hooked on social media that parents are unable to control its use.
- parents must set boundaries
Meaning: To provide clear guidelines of what is acceptable and not acceptable
Sentence: Parents must set boundaries around the use of gadgets on a school night.
- develop a dependency on technology
Meaning:To rely on technology more and more
Sentence: We tend to develop a dependency on technology as we continuously rely on our gadgets to complete even the mundane of tasks.
- spend hours on gaming consoles
Meaning: wasting too much time on computer games
Sentence: She could see that her brother’s studies has begun to suffer as he spends hours on the gaming console.
- spend time texting
Meaning: Wasting time sending text messages
Sentence: He could sit at the corner oblivious to what is happening around him as he spends time texting on his phone.
- interfering in students’ focus
Meaning: Make a person lose concentration on something
Sentence: They should put away their phones when it is time to hit the books as the notifications received prove to be interfering in the students’ focus on their studies.
- reduced amount of time spent with family members
Meaning: the time that we spend with our family has become less
Sentence: Another negative effect of spending too much time on social media is the reduced amount of time spent with family members.
- lead a sedentary life
Meaning: our life tend to be less active
Sentence: We spend the whole day at the office and as a result most of us tend to lead a sedentary life.
- priority should be given to our studies
Meaning: our studies should be more important
Sentence: More priority should be given to our studies as it gives a big impact on our future.
- be prudent
Meaning: Show a lot of care on what will happen in the future
Sentence: As students we need to be prudent in how we spend our precious time in the day.
These are the phrases and words that will help you relate your point clearly. In using these words and phrases you are on your way to getting the high band that your deserve!