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MUET Listening: Top tips for success

MUET listening tips and tricks

I always tell my students not to make any mistakes in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) listening paper. And yes, it is possible to get the perfect score. 

In order for you to get very high marks for listening or indeed the perfect score, be sure to do these few things.

  • practise active listening
  • Identify keyphrases
  • write down specific details
  • select the best answer from the selection of answers 


You might think that getting the perfect score may be asking for too much. But to get a higher band in MUET, the Listening paper is the paper that can really help you get there.This is the paper that helps a student’s overall marks in MUET. 

This is because the listening paper makes up 25% of the MUET test. So, imagine yourself already having this 25% at hand. 

The MUET listening paper requires you to listen to dialogues and monologues. You will then answer the multiple choice questions based on what you heard from the audio. 

In this blog I will provide practical advice and strategies to enhance your listening skills. These 10 tips will hopefully lead you to getting a higher score in the MUET listening paper.

1. Make full use of your reading time

The MUET listening test is made up of 30 questions which are divided into 5 parts. Before the recording for each part is played, you are allowed time to read the questions and the answer options. The reading time for each part is between 15 – 30 seconds.

Therefore read the questions and answers quickly during the 15 – 30 seconds. Use this time wisely to skim through the questions as well as the selection of answers. I know that 15 seconds reading time does not seem to be long enough to read. But, believe me, it can be done! 

You will need to read the questions and the selection of answers quickly to get the:

  • general topic of discussion
  • characters’ intentions


 The general topic of discussion and characters’ intentions could be seen by the wordings used in the questions. If you can identify the topic and then understand the speakers’ intentions, you will get some idea about the content of the text. This will prepare your mind to listen for specific information when the audio is played.

2. Highlight the key phrase in the question

As you read the wordings in the questions and sample answers, try to identify the key phrases. These key phrases are an important cluster of words that you know will be highlighted in the recordings later. So, try and locate the key phrase in each question. 

Next is for you to underline or highlight these key phrases. This is so that the key phrases will easily stand out. You will need to look out for them later in the listening texts.

Then during the test, try to identify the key phrases in the audio. This will really help you during the MUET listening test. Whenever I asked my students on how they could get less than 3 wrong answers in the MUET listening test – their answers would always be to IDENTITY THE KEYPHRASE. 

What these phrases will do is that they will guide you to the relevant information in the audio. 

3. Look out for synonyms

The keyphrases that you have identified in the questions and answer selections are all good. But, be careful of the use of synonyms too. Synonyms are different words that are used to replace the keyphrases but carry the same meanings.

In some situations the keyphrases used in the questions could be said in a totally different way in the audio but still have the same meaning. This is called paraphrasing. 

So look out for synonyms and paraphrasing used in the audio too. 

Train yourself to recognize the same words used in the key phrases and also  the different words used that will have the same meanings.

4. Practise active listening 

Once the reading time is over, the recording will then start. Try to practise active listening. 

So, what is active listening? First and foremost active listening would include staying focussed as the audio is playing. Listen carefully to the audio and follow through what the speakers are saying. 

Another important step for you to take to achieve active listening is for you to identify the key points in the listening texts. What are the points being made by the speakers? What are the details that the speakers are giving? Identify theses.

When you do all these that I have mentioned above – then you are engaging in the text. 

I sometimes advise my students to create a mental image of what is being discussed. You will be able to ‘see’ clearly the points the speakers are making when you have a mental picture of what is being said. 

Also, try to be attentive. Train yourself to focus on the speaker’s voice as the recording unfolds. You now know the general idea of the listening text by the reading you did before. 

So listen and concentrate on the content being presented. Try to understand the main idea of what the speakers are making. And also try to pick up on the key points being discussed as you listen. 


5. Write down key points and important details

Writing down key points and important details from the listening texts can greatly improve your score in the MUET listening test.

Writing down the key points and details as notes for you to refer to will certainly increase your focus. It will for sure stop your mind from wandering. You will find yourself being more focussed on the audio and not becoming distracted by something else. 

One thing you must remember when writing the notes is to  NOT write in sentences. You will not have the time to do this. So write in short phrases that you can understand.

Some questions in the MUET Listening paper test your ability on identifying details such as this.

Sample question:

1.On the second day, they

A went hiking

B stayed behind

C walked home

The key phrase you need to notice is the phrase ‘second day’. This phrase would suggest that there are other activities done on the first day. So to get the correct answer, you would need to identify the correct activity done on the second day and not the first.

Writing down specific details of what you heard is key. It will allow you to refer back to your notes as a point of reference. 

Improving your listening skills for the MUET exam requires practice, patience, and a strategic approach. Learn more about the skills that you will need for MUET listening in the link below:


By following the tips and tricks provided in this blog, you can enhance your listening abilities and boost your chances of obtaining a higher score in the listening section.

My advice is for you to stay calm, focused, and confident during the exam. Doing regular practice and  trying out mock tests will help you become more familiar with the format and build your overall listening proficiency. Good luck on your MUET Listening test!

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Roslina Abdul Latiff


Hello everyone. I am a MUET teacher teaching the sixth formers in a school in the historic city of Melaka, Malaysia. I have been teaching for more than 25 years and I am also a book writer. I hope I can be of some help to you in achieving the band that you need. 

Roslina Abdul Latiff

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