MUET Speaking Part 1: Get your points right!

You had your two content points ready. You presented your points clearly with elaborations like you were supposed to. You think you did very well and you were happy with your presentation in the MUET speaking part 1. However when your MUET results came out, only then did you realise that no, you did not […]
Proverbs to use in MUET Speaking

I encourage my students to use proverbs in English all the time. If used correctly proverbs are able to make the point you are trying to make become clearer. What are proverbs? Proverbs are short and well known sayings. It normally states a truth that is generally accepted in a culture and a language. They […]
MUET speaking part 1 sample answer

Part 1 of the MUET speaking test is an individual presentation. For this part, each candidate will get a different question. You will have two minutes to prepare for this presentation. After this, each candidate will present their ideas individually for two minutes. In this blog, I will show you the sample questions for part […]
How to structure your MUET speaking individual presentation

Part 1 of the MUET speaking paper requires you to present your ideas on a given topic. It is going to be a two-minute individual presentation. This therefore means that you only have a very short time to get your ideas across clearly and share them in a very convincing way. To do this you […]
How to get your response ready during the MUET speaking test

Are you feeling nervous about not knowing how to prepare for your response in the MUET speaking test? Don’t be! This is what you need to do – read the question carefully to understand your task, prepare two content points and then add some ideas for your elaboration. Saying that, you’re not alone in feeling […]
Phrases to use in MUET speaking Part 1

There are phrases a candidate could use in the MUET speaking test to instantly elevate the part 1 speaking test presentation. In this blog I will list the pharses that prove to be very useful for use in MUET speaking part 1. The main purpose of the MUET speaking test is to assess the candidate’s […]
MUET Speaking Tips to get Band 5+

There are certain tips and tricks to get a band 5+ for MUET speaking. And all these tips and tricks could be clearly seen in the descriptors for MUET speaking Band 5+ that have been made available by Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM). The tips among others are such as making your presentation sound natural and […]
How to start MUET Speaking Part 2

Part 2 of the MUET speaking test is the group discussion. To start your discussion in Part 2, you would need to remember these two things. The first is for you to get everyone – that is all the other candidates to get ready to start. And the next is for you to choose one […]
How to start MUET Speaking Part 1

When starting part 1 of the MUET speaking paper, you need to remember these two things. One is that it should be short. And two is that you will need to sound confident. The starting of your presentation for part one should take a maximum of two to three sentences only. It should not be […]
MUET Vocabulary: words related to the Internet

Here is a list of words and phrases related to the use of the Internet. These phrases are useful when you get questions related to this topic. You will see that the topic related to ‘use of the Internet’ has repeatedly come up in the speaking and writing paper. Words related to the use of the […]