In an argumentative essay as the word suggests, you will have to present arguments for why you agree or disagree to the topic. This is the type of essay that will ask you to take a clear stand on the topic being discussed.
You will then need to explain your position on the topic by presenting a systematic reasoning regarding the subject matter. This should be done in such a way that it is going to make it easier for the reader to understand your way of thinking.
In this blog I’m going to take you step by step on how to write an argumentative essay. You will understand the structure of an argumentative essay and how to explain yourself in the different paragraphs.
This would be the content of my blog.
- What is an argumentative essay?
- Argumentative essay sample question
- Writing structure of an argumentative essay
- The introduction
- The body paragraphs
- The conclusion
Types of essay in MUET task 2
The Malaysian University English Test (MUET) writing task 2 will consist of only one essay question. They are going to be one of these three types of essays:
- A discursive essay
- An argumentative essay
- A problem-solution essay
The argumentative essay is one type of essay that you may get in the MUET writing task 2. You are going to have to take a stand and to write your arguments out clearly based on the statement given.
In making your stand you are going to choose whether you agree, disagree or partially agree to the subject matter.
From my experience as a teacher, I could see that in a well written argumentative essay, the student is able to engage the reader well.
This student is able to explain the issue being discussed by presenting arguments agreeing or disagreeing to the topic and considering it from different perspectives. This could also involve presenting the counter arguments for the topic. When you present a counter argument, you are giving the opposing view of what you have said before.
Let’s now look at a sample question for an argumentative essay that you may get for MUET writing task 2.
Argumentative essay sample question
This is a sample of an argumentative essay question that you can get in MUET writing task 2.

Before going any further I would like to highlight the task that you will need to fulfil. Here in the red box is your task. It is asking you of how far you agree to this statement. Here it is clear to see that this is going to be written as an argumentative essay.
You will need to remember the main objective of writing an argumentative essay. It is for you to persuade the reader to understand the points that you are making and to agree with your views. You are writing to influence the reader to think your way.
The topic of discussion for this essay is the statement given by the guest speaker. And the statement given was that ‘Money is the key to happiness’.
On the day of the MUET writing paper, the first thing that you need to do will be to read the question carefully and to make sense of the question.
Let’s find out more about the topic and the task here in this question.
This topic suggests that money is the determining factor to achieve happiness in one’s life. Without money then, the person will not achieve happiness. The person will not be happy.
After understanding the question the next thing you need to do is to take a stand. Decide on whether you agree, disagree or partially agree to this statement.
How do you decide on your stand? Well, you will choose the stand where you have a lot to write about. Choose your side where you have more content points to write about and where you could easily explain you ideas.
In order to decide your stand you are going to brainstorm on the content points first.
These are the content points that you can have for your essay.
- Able to buy things and new experiences
- Brighter future
- Meaningful relationships are key
- Health
Based on the content points that you have come up with you can now make your stand. You then decide to take the middle ground and say that you partially agree to the topic.
You will then choose two points to agree and another one point to disagree.
Writing structure of an argumentative essay
The argumentative essay that you will be writing will be made up of 5 paragraphs. The five paragraphs are as such:
- Paragraph 1
- Introduction
- Paragraph 2
- Reason to agree in topic sentence 1 [TS1]
- Paragraph 3
- Reason to agree in topic sentence 2 [TS2]
- Paragraph 4
- Reason to disagree in topic sentence 3 [TS3]
- Paragraph 5
- Conclusion
So, the structure given here is for the essay where you are going to partially agree.
The three content points would be made up of two content points to show that you agree and the third content point would be one to show that you disagree to the statement.
I normally advise my students to choose the middle ground when writing an argumentative essay. So basically, I encourage my students to take the stand of partially agreeing when writing an argumentative essay.
I encourage them to do this because I believe that writing an argumentative essay where you partially agree shows that you are quite knowledgeable in the topic. Here the students will have to provide both sides of the arguments for and against the topic being discussed.
This certainly shows critical thinking on the student’s part.
However, it is equally fine if a student decides to choose to take a stand to totally agree or to totally disagree on the topic.
Start your essay with an introduction. The stand that you are making in the introduction is that you are partially agreeing to the topic.
- A hook
- Background information related to the topic
- Thesis statement
- Make your stand
Start your introduction with a hook. A hook is something interesting or clever that you say in the start of your essay to attract the reader to read on. Relate this hook to the topic of money being the key to happiness.
Next provide some background information on the topic being discussed. Add in observations that you made regarding money and how it affects people’s lives.
After this you will need to write your thesis statement. A thesis statement summarises your content points to support your argument for why you have chosen to partially agree to the topic.
The last sentence in your introduction will be you making your stand.
The body paragraphs
The body paragraphs contain ideas for or against the topic. This is where you are going to influence the reader to see your point of view from the content points that you present.
Because this essay is going to take the middle stand where you are going to partially agree, the paragraphs are going to be arranged as such.
Content 1 and 2 support the topic
This is how the paragraphs for the content points are going to be written. Content 1 and 2 will be you presenting your arguments on why you agree that money could be the key source of happiness.
This would be how you will write these paragraphs.
- Use a sequence connector like 'firstly, first and foremost' etc.
- Reason to agree in topic sentence 1 [TS1]
- Justify the reason to agree
- Provide evidence with an example
- Close paragraph
Start your first content point with a sequence connector. These are such as ‘First and foremost’ etc. I always tell my students to always have sequence connectors as it will provide your essay with more structure.
After the sequence connector is your topic sentence 1. TS1 is where you will provide your first reason for why you agree that money is key to a person’s happiness.
After stating the reason you will of course need to justify why you said that. Also provide an example for your reason. You will need to tie up your example with the TS1 to ensure that what you have said is relevant to the point you are making.
The last sentence will be the closinig of the paragraph. You can reinstate TS1 here by rephrasing the sentence. Make this sentence sound like it is the closing of the paragraph.
Move on to the second content point after this.
- Use a sequence connector example like moreover, next, in addition etc.
- Reason to agree in topic sentence 2 [TS2]
- Justify the reason to agree
- Provide evidence with an example
- Close paragraph
Start the second content point with a sequence connector. Use a sequence connector that signals the continuation of your points. You can use sequence connectors such as ‘Moreover.., In addition..’ etc.
Using this will tell the reader that the paragraph you are writing is a continuation from the paragraph before and that you are still agreeing to the topic.
Provide your second reason for why your agree to the topic in topic sentence 2. Like the paragraph before provide a rationale for why you agree that money is the key to happiness. And after this add in evidence for why you feel that way.
Lastly have a closing for your paragraph by reinstating your TS2. Again this closing sentence would need to sound like you are ending the point that you are making.
Content 3 contains the counterargument
The third content point contains the counterargument for the topic. When you provide a counterargument for a topic you are presenting a reason to oppose the idea.
- Use a sequence connector like 'Nevertheless., On the other hand.., However..' etc.
- Reason to agree in topic sentence 3 [TS3]
- Justify the reason to agree
- Provide evidence with an example
- Close paragraph
Again, start your paragraph with a sequence connector. Use a sequence connector that signals the contrast of an idea. It is important for you to use one here as you are informing the reader that you are presenting a counterargument of your ideas before.
Use ‘on the other hand or however, to do this. Then add in your reason for why you are disagreeing to the topic. Here you are now saying that you feel money is not the key to happiness and that you are giving another suggestion.
Justify why you feel this way. Provide an example to make your point become clearer. You can mention perhaps about what you can read in the papers of examples of how unhappy the rich and famous could become. This is regardless the factof having so much money.
Finally provide a closing for this paragraph.
Lastly is the conclusion of your essay. This is where you summarize the points that you have given and reinstate your stand on the topic.
- Use a sequence connector like 'In conclusion.., To conclude..' etc.
- State the topic of discussion
- Summarize your content points
- Recap your opinion on the matter [balanced view]
- Close paragraph
Use asequence connector like ‘finally or to conclude’ to signal that this is your concluding paragraph. Next add in the topic of discussion to remind the reader again of the topic.
Provide a summary of the three content points for your essay. It is important that you rephrase your points so that it does not sound like you are repeating yourself.
Next recap your opinion regarding the topic. Present it in such a way that you agree to the topic but to a certain extent only as you also feel that you also disagree to it. Provide a balanced view here.
Lastly give your conclusion an ending.You can mention about a hope perhaps that our society could find that balance of having money and other improtant aspects of life.