How to start MUET Speaking Part 2

Part 2 of the MUET speaking test is the group discussion. To start your discussion in Part 2, you would need to remember these two things. The first is for you to get everyone – that is all the other candidates to get ready to start. And the next is for you to choose one […]
How to start MUET Speaking Part 1

When starting part 1 of the MUET speaking paper, you need to remember these two things. One is that it should be short. And two is that you will need to sound confident. The starting of your presentation for part one should take a maximum of two to three sentences only. It should not be […]
MUET Vocabulary: words related to the Internet

Here is a list of words and phrases related to the use of the Internet. These phrases are useful when you get questions related to this topic. You will see that the topic related to ‘use of the Internet’ has repeatedly come up in the speaking and writing paper. Words related to the use of the […]
MUET Speaking tips to gain instant confidence (2022)

The one MUET speaking tip among others, for you to remember in the morning of the speaking test is for you to not be too critical of yourself. This is my honest opinion as a teacher. You should not be too hard on yourself. In fact you should be your own cheerleader. Being your own […]
How to write a MUET discursive essay

A discursive essay is an opportunity for you to write about your personal opinion on certain topics. It involves you thinking about the subject matter being discussed and then presenting your balanced view on the subject. This would be your judgement based on your observation supported by evidence of the current happening around you. In […]
Discursive essay sample question

The term discursive essay could cause a certain level of anxiety for some. This happens when the person does not really know what a discursive essay really is. However, I believe that all this worry should not be there really. This is because a discursive essay is really like any other essay that you would […]
Introduction to MUET Writing Task 2

The MUET writing paper is paper 4 of the Malaysian University English Test (MUET). You are going to get two tasks in the writing paper. The second task which is task 2 is the extended writing essay. In this task you are going to write an essay that is going to ask of you, your […]
MUET Writing test format

The new format of the MUET Writing Paper is now in use. This is paper 4 of the MUET exam and this new format has only been first used in MUET session 1 in 2021. Let’s now jump into this blog and see what’s new. MUET Writing Paper General Description Let’s start with the general […]
MUET Speaking Test Format

Getting to know the new MUET Speaking test format is important to get you ready for the exam. This article will show you what you can expect to see in the paper and other relevant information regarding the test. The MUET Speaking paper has undergone a change of format starting from the year 2021. Let’s […]
MUET Writing Sample Essay Academic Excellence

Reading through the MUET Writing sample essays and looking at how the writer write the content points will improve your writing for MUET question 2. This is simply because the content points for your essay determine the band you will get for the paper. Get this right! So, in this article we are going to […]